News from Nashville
Protecting Children from Social Media Act
It is vital to ensure the safety and well-being of Tennessee youth in the digital age. With the exponential growth of social media platforms, the Protecting Children from Social Media Act aims to safeguard children from harmful content found on social media platforms.
The bill would require social media companies to verify the age of any individual creating an account on their platform. If the account holder is a minor, the company must obtain express consent from the parent or guardian for the account creation.
Additionally, the bill would require social media companies to provide parents and guardians with account restriction options for their child. These restrictions include privacy settings, daily time restrictions, and implemented breaks from the platform.
Senate Bill 2097 cleared the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee and is now awaiting final passage on the Senate floor.
Including AI-Generated images to materials that qualify as sexual exploitation of a child
Similarly, another bill advanced this week to strengthen laws regarding the sexual exploitation of children. Senate Bill 2668 would add AI-generated images are punishable under the state’s laws dealing with sexual exploitation of children. The legislation advanced out of the Senate Judiciary Committee to the Senate floor.
Paid Leave for State Employee Foster Parents
Senate Bill 1545 will grant state employees who become foster parents six weeks of paid leave to promote the consistent stability and support crucial to a child’s well-being. Last year, the General Assembly enacted legislation to extend paid leave upon the birth or adoption of a child for state employees, and this legislation expands upon that effort. The bill received unanimous approval in the State and Local Government Committee and advances to the Senate floor for final approval.
Tennessee lawmakers move to punish distributors of deadly fentanyl with second-degree murder
Tennessee lawmakers are taking active steps to address the state’s opioid crisis, particularly the alarming rate of fentanyl overdoses. The Senate recently passed a resolution to assist Texas with its border crisis, recognizing the link between border security and drug trafficking. This week, the Tennessee General Assembly is moving forward with legislation to enhance the penalties for fentanyl distribution.
Senate Bill 1754 would enable District Attorneys to pursue second-degree murder charges for offenders who distribute fentanyl that results in the death of another person. The legislation would allow an offender to be prosecuted for both drug distribution and second-degree murder charges.
The bill also addresses intrastate drug trafficking by allowing the use of geotracking services to find and prosecute distributors that are crossing county lines.
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed Senate Bill 1754 on Tuesday. The bill now moves to the Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee.

In brief…
Increasing access to opioid addiction treatment
Those who are battling opioid addiction can seek treatment at a federally qualified treatment center where mid-level physicians, like nurse practitioners and physician assistants, can prescribe buprenorphine which is used in medication-assisted treatment. Currently, those mid-level physicians are capped at 50 patients they can treat with buprenorphine.
To increase access to treatment centers, legislation advanced out of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee that will increase the number of patients from 50 to 100 that a mid-level physician can see and treat with buprenorphine. The bill would also increase the number of mid-level physicians a physician can supervise from four to five. Senate Bill 2019 now advances to the Senate floor for final approval.
Enforcing sanctuary city ban
To ensure that no city in Tennessee is harboring illegal immigrants, Sen. Taylor is sponsoring legislation that will require the Sheriff of every county to fully comply with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Legislation was passed in 2018 that authorized sheriffs to ban sanctuary cities in Tennessee. This bill ensures that the prohibition of sanctuary cities is enforced. Senate Bill 2576 advances to the Senate floor.
Lifetime orders of protection
The Senate Judiciary Committee advanced Senate Bill 1699 to extend lifetime protection for victims of aggravated stalking. The legislation would prohibit convicted offenders from communicating with their victims for life. The bill strengthens existing legislation passed by the General Assembly in 2021 that allowed victims of violent crime to petition a court for a lifetime order of protection.
Protecting property from unnecessary government seizure
Senate Bill 1984 prohibits the use of eminent domain power to seize land for recreational use. The bill does not change the use of eminent domain for roads, bridges or other utility needs.
Senate Bill 1983 would require the authority condemning land under eminent domain to prove in court the property is necessary for public use. The condemning authority must provide a plan for the finished project, a funding source, and there must be no other reasonable property for sale in the vicinity. Both bills passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and advanced to the Senate floor for final approval.
Minimizing foreign influence in real estate in Tennessee by sanctioned countries
Lawmakers this week continued efforts to restrict foreign influence and ownership of Tennessee land.
Last year, the Tennessee General Assembly passed Senate Bill 122 which prevents foreign governments, businesses and non-US citizens from the 38 countries on the U.S Department of Treasury’s sanctions list, in addition to China, from purchasing or acquiring real estate in Tennessee.
To build on those efforts, Senate Bill 2843 further prevents these governments from influencing Tennessee real estate by prohibiting a foreign business entity from entering into an agreement relating to critical infrastructure or agricultural land in this state. The bill passed the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee and now moves to the Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee.
Preventing healthcare coercion
To protect patients from undue pressure by healthcare providers, legislation has been proposed that will prohibit providers from coercing, misleading or misrepresenting information to a patient receiving a vaccine or a screening test.
The legislation is aimed at protecting an individual’s right to make their own healthcare decisions. Senate Bill 2151 passed the Health Committee and advances to the Senate floor for final consideration.
Exclusive waterfowl hunts for veterans
The Senate approved legislation this week to expand hunting opportunities for veterans and active duty military. Senate Bill 1716 would establish two days exclusively for veterans and active military personnel to hunt waterfowl at no cost. The legislation requires the veteran to be issued the necessary permits and licenses to hunt waterfowl at no cost to the veteran.
Senate Republicans Advance Tennessee Foster and Adoptive Parent Protection Act
Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced legislation that will enact the Tennessee Foster and Adoptive Parent Protection Act. The legislation aims to protect religious freedom for existing and prospective foster and adoptive parents in Tennessee and ensure that the number of foster care homes in Tennessee continues to grow.
In other states, families seeking to adopt or foster have been denied approval because of their religious beliefs on marriage or traditional sexuality. Senate Bill 1738 specifically prohibits the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) from requiring foster parents to adopt, affirm, or support any government policy. It also prevents DCS from denying eligibility to foster or adopt because of their religious and moral beliefs held. The bill also maintains that a child’s best interest is prioritized during placement.
The bill advances to the Senate floor for final consideration.

Fighting human trafficking at adult entertainment establishments
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation that requires that all adult-oriented establishments post the human trafficking hotline number on bathroom doors and all doors going in and out of the establishment. Senate Bill 2663 advances to the Senate floor for final approval.
Transparent prescription drug pricing
Tennessee lawmakers are advancing legislation to help provide patients with more clarity on the cost of their prescription drugs. Senate Bill 2274 encourages pharmacists to disclose the lowest prescription drug cost before purchase and inform their patients about the effect it will have on their deductible status. This legislation addresses issues with cash discount cards, which can sometimes be misleading and adversely affect a patient’s deductible status.
Safeguarding subcontractors’ pay
To help protect subcontractors, the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee passed legislation that would ensure subcontractors are paid promptly. Senate Bill 1201 would require contractors to pay contractors within 90 days of project completion or face a $500 daily penalty payable to subcontractors. This legislation passed out of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee and now awaits passage on the Senate floor.
Adjusting District Attorney and Public Defender pay
Legislation that will increase the pay for elected district attorneys and public defenders is being heard in Senate committees. These professionals have not had a pay scale adjustment since 2006, while nearly every government agency has received a substantial pay increase within the last few years. Tennessee places a high value on public servants. The attorneys sworn to protect the public from harm and uphold the Constitution must be adequately compensated. Senate Bill 2332 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and moves to the Senate Finance Committee.
Clarifying dependent and neglected child definition
Legislation was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee that clarifies the definition of a dependent and neglected child to specify that the criteria for dependence and neglect must be present at the time a petition is filed, not at the time the case is decided. Senate Bill 2349 advances to the Senate floor for final consideration.
Maintaining child and grandparent relationships
Legislation passed the Senate Judiciary Committee that would help children maintain meaningful relationships with their grandparents. Senate Bill 2840 would allow judges to grant visitation to grandparents when it is in the best interest of the child. The bill now moves to the Senate floor for final passage.
Accepting cash at school events
Legislation that ensures that cash can be used as payment at public school athletic events is being proposed. Senate Bill 1998 would require organizers of public school athletic events to accept cash for admission or the purchase of concessions or other items for sale at the event. The bill also prohibits organizers of these events from charging a cash price that exceeds the price if paid by credit or debit card. The bill passed the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday and now awaits final passage on the Senate floor.
Protecting Tennessee Schools and Events Act
Protecting children in schools is one of Tennessee lawmakers’ top priorities. To continue those efforts, legislation that would provide metal detectors for all Tennessee schools to help protect their students from violent acts or objects passed the Senate Education Committee. Senate Bill 2765 now moves to the Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee to review the cost of the legislation.
Legislation previously covered that passed the senate floor last week
- Senate Bill 1914 – Will support healthy kids in schools by allowing for a dispenser with whole milk options.
- Senate Bill 2046 – Will increase the safety of workers trying to make repairs around bodies of water in Tennessee.
- Senate Bill 2133 – Delegates regulatory oversight of intrastate commerce from the federal government to the state.
- Senate Bill 2134 – Establishes the Social Work Licensure Compact.
- Senate Bill 2147 – Will guard the elderly and disabled adults and their families from financial exploitation.
- Senate Bill 2175 – Enacts the Smart Heart Act which will help protect the health and safety of Tennessee students.
- Senate Bill 2428 – Will enable county fire departments to be better prepared to respond to emergencies.

Legislation I’m Sponsoring
Reducing size of state government
Senate Bill 2098 will merge the Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Commission on Aging and Disability into the Department of Disabilities and Aging. The creation of this department will enable better coordination and stronger advocacy for all Tennesseans to live and age with as much independence as possible. The department will also help the providers in the fields that are helping make a difference in the lives of Tennessee’s vulnerable population. The bill advances to the Senate floor for final approval.
TACIR report on underage smoking prevention
Senate Bill 2278 would require the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR) to conduct a study on the effects of vaping and the use of all vapor products by those under the age of 21. The study would examine the initiation of product usage, health outcomes and access to cessation products and services. The TACIR report must submit the report to the General Assembly by January 31, 2025. Senate Bill 2278 passed the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on Wednesday and now awaits passage on the Senate floor.
Making telehealth more accessible
Senate Bill 1881 is designed to make telehealth more accessible to patients. Under current law, provider-based telemedicine patients must establish an in-person relationship with their provider before meeting virtually and must also meet in person every 16 months. This legislation would eliminate the requirements of recurring in-person meetings and would also give providers the discretion as to whether patients are required to meet first in person. The bill passed the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on Tuesday and now awaits passage on the Senate floor.
Extending mental health coverage
Senate Bill 2801 would improve mental health coverage for TennCare recipients. This legislation would require TennCare to align coverage for mental health services with the coverage provided for alcoholism and drug dependence. The legislation passed the Commerce Committee on Tuesday and now awaits passage in the Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee.
Republicans seek to protect children from accessing pornography online
Senate Bill 1792 seeks to prevent children from accessing explicit adult content by requiring online media companies and operators to verify users’ age for access.
Introducing children to pornography constitutes a type of sexual abuse and exploitation, with profound implications for their intellectual growth and emotional health. We need to make every effort to prevent children from accessing online sites with content that is not only extremely inappropriate for children, but can damage their development and impact their relationships.
Known as the Protect Tennessee Minors Act, the bill would require companies to verify users are at least 18 using a valid form of identification issued in the United States. The legislation would create a Class C felony for website owners and operators convicted of violating the law. The Tennessee Department of Homeland Security would be responsible for enforcing compliance with the law.
The bill passed the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on Wednesday and now awaits final passage on the Senate floor.

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If our office can ever be of service to you or your family, please don’t hesitate to contact us. On the left is Carly Nelson, my Legislative Assistant. On the right is Debbie Gazzaway, our Research Analyst for the Transportation and Safety Committee. We can help with issues with a state department, information on legislation, setting up a tour of the Capitol or scheduling an appointment or speaking engagements.
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As always thank you for continued support!
Becky Massey
District 6 Senator